Bowl Arm Lift For K5A/K5SS Models
This is the bowl arm assist for the K5A/K5SS style bowl raise mixers (all bowl raise models with the removable back caps) These are designed to help lift the bowl and lock it into place when you twist the raise arm to raise the bowl into the upward position! On occasion, the arm assist can become frail and break/strip to render the raise function useless. This part will rectify and issue with the bowl not raising into position! (Also fits KSM50/KM50/KSM5/KG25)
Check out Mr. Mixers Youtube tutorials for a how to install!
This is the bowl arm assist for the K5A/K5SS style bowl raise mixers (all bowl raise models with the removable back caps) These are designed to help lift the bowl and lock it into place when you twist the raise arm to raise the bowl into the upward position! On occasion, the arm assist can become frail and break/strip to render the raise function useless. This part will rectify and issue with the bowl not raising into position! (Also fits KSM50/KM50/KSM5/KG25)
Check out Mr. Mixers Youtube tutorials for a how to install!

This is the bowl arm assist for the K5A/K5SS style bowl raise mixers (all bowl raise models with the removable back caps) These are designed to help lift the bowl and lock it into place when you twist the raise arm to raise the bowl into the upward position! On occasion, the arm assist can become frail and break/strip to render the raise function useless. This part will rectify and issue with the bowl not raising into position! (Also fits KSM50/KM50/KSM5/KG25)
Check out Mr. Mixers Youtube tutorials for a how to install!