Mr. Mixer Upgraded KitchenAid Heavy Duty K5SS White with Coated Attachments #26
This mixer is eligible for a Mr. Mixer lifetime service guarantee upgrade. Learn more by visiting our lifetime service page!
In our professional, humble opinion, the K5A/K5SS styled units are the best mixers on the market. When someone refers to the “Holy Grail” of mixers, this is the unit that they are referring to.
If you find one, keep it (or give it to us)! When these units come into our shop, we all gather around to admire their beauty as we know units like this will never be made again. They are extremely durable, very well built and will last multiple lifetimes (if taken care of and serviced).
Mr. Mixer has performed an inspection, disassembly, repair, regrease and our famous full rebuild to make it run like-new unit. All internal electronics, motor, field assembly, mechanical components and gears have been changed as well as an addition of the Mr. Mixer Upgrades makes this unit BETTER THAN NEW!!
This unit comes with all of the applicable Mr. Mixer Upgrades including upgraded body screws, comfy grip, spring/washer, bearing bracket lock nuts.
This mixer comes with bowl and attachments (paddle, hook, whisk).
Other things you may consider purchasing with your mixer to improve the mixing experience are as follows:
-Beater Blade Model 5LM (for K5SS styled models)
-New Metro Metal Pour Chute
-Professional Slide Mat
Shipping is only $4.99 within the Continental US!
Shipping to Hawaii and Alaska TBD after checkout (Generally around $100-125)
Color – White
Damage – We do our best to photograph any damage noted. This is a refurbished mixer and may have superficial cosmetic effects such as scratches or cosmetic wear.
This mixer is eligible for a Mr. Mixer lifetime service guarantee upgrade. Learn more by visiting our lifetime service page!
In our professional, humble opinion, the K5A/K5SS styled units are the best mixers on the market. When someone refers to the “Holy Grail” of mixers, this is the unit that they are referring to.
If you find one, keep it (or give it to us)! When these units come into our shop, we all gather around to admire their beauty as we know units like this will never be made again. They are extremely durable, very well built and will last multiple lifetimes (if taken care of and serviced).
Mr. Mixer has performed an inspection, disassembly, repair, regrease and our famous full rebuild to make it run like-new unit. All internal electronics, motor, field assembly, mechanical components and gears have been changed as well as an addition of the Mr. Mixer Upgrades makes this unit BETTER THAN NEW!!
This unit comes with all of the applicable Mr. Mixer Upgrades including upgraded body screws, comfy grip, spring/washer, bearing bracket lock nuts.
This mixer comes with bowl and attachments (paddle, hook, whisk).
Other things you may consider purchasing with your mixer to improve the mixing experience are as follows:
-Beater Blade Model 5LM (for K5SS styled models)
-New Metro Metal Pour Chute
-Professional Slide Mat
Shipping is only $4.99 within the Continental US!
Shipping to Hawaii and Alaska TBD after checkout (Generally around $100-125)
Color – White
Damage – We do our best to photograph any damage noted. This is a refurbished mixer and may have superficial cosmetic effects such as scratches or cosmetic wear.
This mixer is eligible for a Mr. Mixer lifetime service guarantee upgrade. Learn more by visiting our lifetime service page!
In our professional, humble opinion, the K5A/K5SS styled units are the best mixers on the market. When someone refers to the “Holy Grail” of mixers, this is the unit that they are referring to.
If you find one, keep it (or give it to us)! When these units come into our shop, we all gather around to admire their beauty as we know units like this will never be made again. They are extremely durable, very well built and will last multiple lifetimes (if taken care of and serviced).
Mr. Mixer has performed an inspection, disassembly, repair, regrease and our famous full rebuild to make it run like-new unit. All internal electronics, motor, field assembly, mechanical components and gears have been changed as well as an addition of the Mr. Mixer Upgrades makes this unit BETTER THAN NEW!!
This unit comes with all of the applicable Mr. Mixer Upgrades including upgraded body screws, comfy grip, spring/washer, bearing bracket lock nuts.
This mixer comes with bowl and attachments (paddle, hook, whisk).
Other things you may consider purchasing with your mixer to improve the mixing experience are as follows:
-Beater Blade Model 5LM (for K5SS styled models)
-New Metro Metal Pour Chute
-Professional Slide Mat
Shipping is only $4.99 within the Continental US!
Shipping to Hawaii and Alaska TBD after checkout (Generally around $100-125)
Color – White
Damage – We do our best to photograph any damage noted. This is a refurbished mixer and may have superficial cosmetic effects such as scratches or cosmetic wear.