Mr. Mixer is now offering a

Lifetime Service Guarantee

The Gift of a Lifetime

  • What We Offer

    In a world full of warranties, we offer guarantees. Machines are just not made of the same quality that they once were, which is why we have made the decision to make up for the shortcomings of the manufacturer with our lifetime service guarantee.

  • How It Works

    The process is extremely convenient. Simply purchase a mixer with our lifetime service guarantee and then get to mixing! If your mixer breaks simply give us a call and we will send you a box with all of the shipping supplies and a label. All you have to do is pay for shipping and the rest is covered by the guarantee!

  • What Does Lifetime Mean?

    Lifetime literally means just that. The mixer is covered for your lifetime, or the lifetime of the machine (if the machine goes out of production and no parts are offered by the manufacturer). You can purchase the Lifetime Service Guarantee in someone else’s name if you intend to pass it down to the next generation!

  • What Isn't Covered

    This list is quite small. Our goal is not to limit your ability to utilize the lifetime service guarantee. The only things that aren’t covered are forces of nature (floods, tornadoes, fires etc.) and gross misuse such as falling from the counter (or a third floor balcony). All normal use is covered!

For more information email us at!